古市研究室 新着情報
What's up!, the latest news at Furuichi Lab.


[dropcap cap="毎"]年大晦日の恒例,古市研の10大ニュースをお送りします.来年も,”研究に邁進して学生生活をエンジョイする集団:古市研究室”を,よろしくお願いいたします.[/dropcap]


  1. 1月:ケント州立大の女子大生が滞在,学生間にグローバル化の兆し(!?)
  2. 3月:情処全国大会で二期生の3年が3件,一期生の4年が1件発表,そして一期生6名が卒業!
  3. 4月:大学院一期生3名,新3年生11名と杉沼先生が加わり総勢22名の古市研始動開始
  4. 4〜7月:学生がシリアスゲームのエバンジェリストとして大活躍  NHK-FM千葉への生出演,千葉県立現代産業科学館及びさいたまスーパーアリーナでの展示等
  5. 9月:情報科学技術フォーラム二期生の4年生が2件発表,北海道進出を果たす(次は海外だ!)
  6. 10月:スポーツ大会に初出場,学科の優勝に大きく貢献
  7. 11月:学園祭で牛串模擬店2年連続出店,卒研の実験と連動した経営学を実践,利益率も増大
  8. 11月:学会発表•出展目白押し(BCIシンポ,防衛技術シンポ,ACM-ITS2011)
  9. 通年:高校生・中学生の研究室見学が総勢100名を超える
  10. 通年:メディアへの露出多数:学部HPトップ写真,進学雑誌,留学雑誌,福島TVのCM,NHK番組収録(詳細は後日)等 

<<10 big news of Furuichi Lab. 2011>>

  1. January: A student from Kent visited our lab., a wave of globalization seems affecting students
  2. March: Three junior students and one senior student presented their papers at IPSJ. 6 graduated.
  3. April: Three graduate students, 11 junior students and Prof. Suginuma newly joined our lab, and new generation of Furuichi Lab. launched
  4. April-July: Many students performed very well as evangelists of Serious Games - Appeard on a live NHK-FM Radio program, presented at Science Museum, Saitama Super Arena etc.
  5. September: Two senior students presented their papers at FIT held in Hakodate, Hokkaido. (International conferences are expected in the next time)
  6. October: We are not only good at research, but SPORTS TOO!!! We attended a college sports events, and contributed much for getting a championship of our department
  7. November: Students opened a 牛串 shop at our college festival, and their business administration skill resulted in a big profit
  8. November: Rush of conferences (Brain Computer Interface, Defense Technology, Interactive Tabletop and Surfaces)
  9. Throughout the year 2011: More than 100 high school and junior high school students visited our lab.
  10. Throughout the year 2011: Appeared on medias, such as department's homepage, magazines, CM of Fukushima TV, and NHK program recording


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